Color/Background Properties | |||
Nama Properti | Values | Contoh/Notes | CSS Level |
background-attachment | scroll, fixed | CSS1 | |
background-color | (color), transparent | Color is in hex code. | CSS1 |
background-image | none, (location) | CSS1 | |
background-position | (percent), (length), top, center, bottom, left, center, right | CSS1 | |
background-repeat | repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat | CSS1 | |
background | Any of the above background values separated by spaces. | {background: URL(back.gif) repeat fixed} | CSS1 |
color | (color) | Color is in hex code. This refers to the foreground color. | CSS1 |
Box Properties | |||
Nama Properti | Values | Contoh/Notes | CSS Level |
margin-bottom | (length), (percent), auto | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
margin-left | (length), (percent), auto | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
margin-right | (length), (percent), auto | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
margin-top | (length), (percent), auto | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
margin | Any of the above margin values in top, right, bottom, left order separated by spaces. | {margin: 5px 2px 5px 3px} When only one value is present, all margins are affected. | CSS1 |
padding-bottom | (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
padding-left | (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
padding-right | (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
padding-top | (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
padding | Any of the above padding values in top, right, bottom, left order separated by spaces. | {padding: 5em 6em 3em 6em} When only one value is present, all sides are affected. | CSS1 |
border-bottom-width | medium, thin, thick, (length) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
border-bottom | Any of the border-top-bottom, border-color and border-style values. | {border-bottom: thin inset blue} | CSS1 |
border-color | (color) | Color is in hex code. | CSS1 |
border-left-width | medium, thin, thick, (length) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
border-left | Any of the border-top-left, border-color and border-style values. | {border-left: thick inset green} | CSS1 |
border-right-width | medium, thin, thick, (length) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
border-right | Any of the border-right-width, border-color and border-style values. | {border-right: thin inset blue} | CSS1 |
border-style | none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset | CSS1 | |
border-top-width | medium, thin, thick, (length) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
border-top | Any of the border-top-width, border-color and border-style values. | {border-top: thin inset red} | CSS1 |
border | Any of the border values. Applies to all borders. | {border: medium blue} | CSS1 |
height | auto, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
width | auto, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
Klasifikasi | |||
Nama Properti | Values | Contoh/Notes | CSS Level |
list-style-type | disc, circle, square, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, upper-latin, hebrew, armenian, georgian, cjk-ideographic, hiragana, katakana, hiragana-iroha, katakana-iroh, none | CSS2 | |
list-style-image | none, (url) | CSS1 | |
list-style-position | outside, inside | CSS1 | |
list-style | Any of the above list-style values separated by spaces. | {list-style: disc inside} | CSS1 |
white-space | normal, pre, nowrap | CSS1 |
Visual Effects | |||
Nama Properti | Values | Contoh/Notes | CSS Level |
clip | auto, (shape) | Currently, the only valid shape is "rect(top,right,bottom,left)". | CSS2 |
cursor | auto, crosshair, default, pointer, move, e-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, n-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, s-resize, w-resize, text, wait, help | CSS1 | |
outline-width | medium, thin, thick, (length), inherit | CSS2 | |
outline-style | none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset | CSS2 | |
outline-color | (color), invert, inherit | CSS2 | |
outline | Any of the above outline values separated by spaces. | {outline: dotted thick} | CSS2 |
overflow | visible, hidden, scroll, auto | CSS2 | |
visibility | inherit, visible, hidden | CSS2 |
Generated content, automatic numbering, dan lists | |||
Nama Properti | Values | Contoh/Notes | CSS Level |
content | (string), (uri), (counter), attr(X), open-quote, close-quote, no-open-quote, no-close-quote, inherit | Used with the :before, :after pseudo-elements. | CSS2 |
counter-reset | (identifier) (integer), none , inherit | Used with the counter() and counters() functions of the content property. | CSS2 |
counter-increment | (identifier) (integer), none , inherit | Used with the counter() and counters() functions of the content property. | CSS2 |
marker-offset | (length), auto, inherit | CSS2 | |
quotes | (string)(string) or more, inherit | CSS2 |
Visual Formatting | |||
Nama Properti | Values | Contoh/Notes | CSS Level |
bottom | auto, inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
clear | none, left, right, both, inherit | CSS1 | |
direction | ltr, rtl, inherit | ltr - Left-to-Right rtl - Right-to-Left | CSS2 |
display | inline, block, list-item, run-in, compact, marker, table, inline-table, table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group, table-column, table-cell, table-caption, none, inherit | CSS2 | |
float | none, left, right, inherit | CSS1 | |
height | auto, inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
line-height | normal, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS1 |
left | auto, inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
max-height | none, inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
max-width | none, inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
min-height | inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
min-width | inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
position | static, absolute, relative, fixed, inherit | CSS2 | |
right | auto, inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
top | auto, inherit, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
unicode-bidi | normal, embed, bidi-override, inherit | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
vertical-align | baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom, (percent) | CSS1 | |
width | auto, (length), (percent) | Length is in pixels. | CSS2 |
z-index | auto, inherit, (integer) | CSS2 |
Tabel | |||
Nama Properti | Values | Contoh/Notes | CSS Level |
border-collapse | collapse, separate, inherit | CSS2 | |
border-spacing | (length)(length), inherit | CSS2 | |
caption-side | top, bottom, left, right, inherit | CSS2 | |
empty-cells | show, hide, inherit | CSS2 | |
speak-header | once, always, inherit | CSS2 | |
table-layout | auto, fixed, inherit | CSS2 |
Aural | |||
Nama Properti | Values | Contoh/Notes | CSS Level |
volume | number, percentage, silent, x-soft, soft, medium, loud, x-loud, inherit | CSS2 | |
speak | normal, none, spell-out, inherit | CSS2 | |
pause-before | time, percentage, inherit | CSS2 | |
pause-after | time, percentage, inherit | CSS2 | |
pause | time, percentage, inherit | CSS2 | |
cue-before | uri, none, inherit | CSS2 | |
cue-after | uri, none, inherit | CSS2 | |
cue | Any of the above cue properties. | CSS2 | |
play-during | uri, mix, repeat, auto, none, inherit | CSS2 | |
azimuth | angle, left-side, far-left, left, center-left, center, center-right, right, far-right, right-side, behind, leftwards, rightwards, inherit | CSS2 | |
elevation | angle, below, level, above, higher, lower, inherit | CSS2 | |
speech-rate | number, x-slow, slow, medium, fast, x-fast, faster, slower, inherit | CSS2 | |
voice-family | specific-voice|generic-voice | CSS2 | |
pitch | frequency, x-low, low, medium, high, x-high, inherit | CSS2 | |
pitch-range | number, inherit | CSS2 | |
stress | number, inherit | CSS2 | |
richness | number, inherit | CSS2 | |
speak-punctuation | code, none, inherit | CSS2 | |
speak-numeral | digits, continuous, inherit | CSS2 | |